Reimbursement of related expenses

Those who come to a Medical Commission, may be entitled to the reimbursement of expenses, for the following expenses:

Reimbursement of public transportation travel expenses

  • Someone attending a first rank Medical Board, a General Disability Appeals Medical Board, or a Work Injury Appeals Medical Board, as well as someone sent to a medical examination or medical consultation by an authorized doctor - will receive the reimbursement of public transportation expenses they have incurred, provided they had to travel a distance of at least 40 kilometers in each direction.
  • A disabled child attending a first or second rank Medical Board - will receive reimbursement of his expenses on public transportation as of age 5 and above, without kilometers requirement.
  • Someone attending an Attendance Allowance Board - will receive reimbursement of his expenses on public transportation, without condition or kilometers requirement.

Reimbursement of travel expenses for special transportation

You will be entitled to the reimbursement of your expenses on special transportation if the Medical Board's members or a doctor of the Institute have certified that you cannot use public transportation due to your medical condition, the absence of public transportation from your place of residence to the place where the Board's location, or the absence of transportation at the adequate time considering time scheduled for your Board meeting.

Travel expenses are paid according to the vehicle that was deemed suitable under the circumstances.

Residents of Eilat will be entitled to a return of flight expenses, based on a photocopy of the airline ticket.

Limited mobility

If you have limited mobility and you chose to arrive with your private vehicle – the reimbursement will be according to the rate given to a state employee with a service vehicle.

Reimbursement of accommodation expenses

You will be entitled to a return of accommodation expenses if you are force to stay outside your place of residence for a period of at least 24 consecutive hours, and the place where you have been asked to report is at least 50 kilometers away from your place of residence. In order to receive a reimbursement of accommodation expenses you must produce the appropriate receipts.

Living expenses

You may be entitled to receive reimbursement of your living expenses, if the following two conditions are met:

- You are forced to stay outside your place of residence after 19:00 for a total of at least 4 hours.
- The distance from your place of residence to the place you must report to for the board is at least 40 kilometers.

Reimbursement is made in the following manner:

  • Reimbursement for breakfast – if were forced to leave your home at 07:00 AM or earlier
  • Reimbursement for lunch – if you were forced to stay out of your home between 12:00 and 16:00.
  • Reimbursement for dinner – if you were forced to stay out of your home after 19:00.

Reimbursement of travel expenses for an accompanying person

The person accompanying an insured to a Medical Board, may be entitled to the reimbursement of his incurred expenses, if a doctor of the National Insurance Institute or Medical Board's members have certified that the examined individual needs an escort. Payment is made under the same rules that apply to the reimbursement of travel expenses incurred by the insured.

For a transport in ambulance or taxicab, expenses are not reimbursed to the accompanying person, unless he incurred additional expenses beside those of the insured.

Request for reimbursement of related expenses

To receive reimbursement for one expense or more, you must fill out an expenses reimbursement form and provide all relevant receipts and authorizations. These documents may be sent as follows:

  • Completing the form and sending it with additional documents in attachment via the website.
  • Submitting the form and attached documents by mail, fax, or in the service box of a local NII branch.